Wednesday 11 December 2013

Today i am going to look at animated gifs

This is the website were i got my first 2 animated gifs from

This is the website were i got my animated gifs from

This animated gif was made in photoshop and  we did different transformations to the arm and every one we did we saved then uploaded all the images into and selected the speed of which the image moved.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

How do you feel about these comments?
i expected these comments off my peers
What do you need to improve/complete?
I need to complete my sound cloud file as it wouldn't upload.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Today i have completed a table and completed parts i have missed.,welcome-to-our-new-website_6.htm

This is an entertaiment blog.

This is an advertising blog

 This is an informative blog.

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Today we did some Macro photography. We used different car parts to practise Macro photography. I also took 12 different pictures of the car parts. 
Macro is close up photography of a plant object etc. We set the camera  to macro by turning the flash off on our camera and then pressed a little flower icon to turn the macro on. We took the photos from about a  metre away and we had to focus to get the detail of the objects.We turned the flash off because if we didn't we would just see a white light as the flash would reflect off the objective. I downloaded the pictures of my camera to my computer then once i had done that I opened a new blog and clicked on a little picture icon and the uploaded 12 photographs and then I needed to select the files to upload up on to my blog

Wednesday 2 October 2013

today i had made a health and safety poster for a computer room and in multi media

Wednesday 18 September 2013

I like this blog because there is information on the band and information on new releases. But i also think that its plain and hasn't got much off a bright background.

I like this blog as it has it has a bright backgrounds 
and good use of text and a good use of pictures and videos. 

Monday 9 September 2013