Wednesday 20 November 2013

streaming video

Today we opened photo booth6
 and played around with the effects and then videoed our selfs then upload it to our youtube account and then uploaded it to my blog.

I uploaded these by using the video link on my blog and clicked on upload from youtube then choose a title of a song or what you want to search the select the file you want.  Today we have learnt how to put videos in to our youtube account by using a html code. and its turned out to be good and understanding of streaming videos 
up in the air

its my life


  1. no music on the blog what the ............

  2. Its good but you are missing garage band image and the song off sound cloud

  3. its good but need more information and the videos are good

  4. A nice design, with a lot of images (obviously good) but in some pf your posts you need to include more text, however a good blog Yazzy B! :)
